1125 Market Street - Material Studies

1125 Market - Materials
Materials studies for 1125 Market facades focused on options for the form and textures of the precast facades, which included bullnose shaped frames.
1125 Market - Materials
There are many options for adding texture to precast concrete facade panels. For 1125 Market factors such as cost, aesthetics, and procurability were considered.
1125 Market - Materials
The radiused bull-nose edges of the polished concrete of Caruso St John’s Europalle Baufled E Zurich - an inspiration for Leong Leong.

1125 Market - Materials
Options for influencing the form and texture of concrete using a ‘master mold’ with movable blocks.
1125 Market - Materials
Stanley Saitowitz | Natoma Architects use a smooth-formed cast in place concrete on the Congregation Beth Sholom.

1125 Market - Materials
Texturing the concrete surface with formliners (like those used on David Adjaye’s Sugar Hill Development, shown left) was studied as an option.

1125 Market - Materials
Formliners can be used to achieve the hammered aesthetic. Formliner materials can influence the cost as well as the appearance of the concrete.
1125 Market - Materials
The Barbican in London has a fractured rib texture that was created via bush-hammering concrete that had been poured into ribbed moulds.

1125 Market - Materials
Other areas - often interiors - of the Barbican feature a flat surface that was bush-hammered after curing.

1125 Market - Materials
The fractured-rib texture on this precast concrete panel was achieved with a formliner. Today this is a more common approach to achieving this aesthetic.

1125 Market - Materials Study
A variety of formliners are available, with different companies offering different patterns. Rekli is one such company that specialises in formliners for architectural concrete.

1125 Market - Materials
These precast samples from Willis Construction are of white architectural concrete with black flecks added for dimension. This color concrete was used on the Broad Museum in LA.

1125 Market - Materials
A mock-up exploring different Rekli moulds. The desired effect in this case was for a board-formed pattern. Different depths of wood grain were studied and compared.