Natural Forms

Pacific Barnacles
Barnacles are fascinating structures, attaching to a substrate and growing via generation of a natural cement.

Cholla Skeleton
This reticulated structure of a cactus skeleton was found near Death Valley.

The laminar structure of the abalone shell is one of nature’s toughest materials.

Keyhole limpet
Similar in a way to the barnacles, limpets attach to rocks with a strong foot.

Acorn barnacles
Originally native to tropical waters, Megabalanus tintinnabulum has spread by attaching to ships.

My flat little Gymnocalycium triacanthum has been attempting to bloom for several weeks.

Sea Urchin
Finding a complete sea urchin shell feels like a gift: bleached pure white, purple spines long gone, the five fold symmetry still legible in the rhythm of large and small bumps radiating out from a central axis.

Bishop's Cap Cactus
This small cactus from Mexico (Astrophytum myriostigma) also has a five-fold central symmetry.

Olive Shell
This whorled olive shell has a faint lilac blush on its barrel but otherwise is wave-worn white. Native Californians used these types of shells as money.